gives patients and their families general information about back and back-related leg pain, conventional non-operative treatments and what to expect before and after back surgery. Your own experiences may not be exactly the same because practices vary between different hospitals and rehabilitation program.
The treatments and outcomes discussed are specific to the condition presented and are not to be generalized to more serious spinal problems such as cancer, infection, significant trauma or other disorders affecting the spine such as ankylosing spondylitis, osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis. The content of this web site has been reviewed for accuracy, reliability and helpfulness to the intended audience by health professionals including surgeons, physiotherapists and chiropractors. While we have made efforts to ensure the information in on the website is accurate and reliable, we cannot guarantee that it is either complete or error-free.
The information here is NOT meant to replace advice from your physician or another health care professional. Before making treatment decisions or if you have questions about your specific situation, speak to a health care provider.